Stop by the Main Library in Hillsborough and pick up tips about managing your finances in a casual, non-intimidating setting. Leading the discussion will be Demarcus Bowden, a Certified Financial Planner with Edward Jones.
Join us at the Main Library for Kids Explore, our weekly program series for children in grades K-2. Registration not required.
Take a trip to visit the top and bottom of the world! How are they alike?
Age Range Info
Information About Age Ranges
While the library's family programs are open to all ages, other programs in youth services are designed for a specific age or grade range. Establishing age and grade ranges allows us to plan programs that are appropriate for each range of child development, maintain quality in our programming, and promote fairness to all. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Beth Hawkey, youth services supervisor.
Library After Dark is a librarian-led silent reading club which takes place on 4th Thursdays of the month from 6:30-7:30pm at Main Library in Hillsborough located at 137 West Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, NC 27